Entrepreneur Schedule

An Entrepreneur Persona is a Mavely user who promotes products which sell in higher quantities resulting in data that falls outside of the majority of Mavely users, such as return rate, purchase volume, conversion rate, or other metrics. If Mavely determines that your account is a an 'Entrepreneur Persona' we reserve the right to change your payment terms. 

Why was my account identified as an Entrepreneur Persona?

Our compliance team is consistently reviewing accounts to ensure all users are compliant with our Terms and Policies as well as our partnering Brands Terms and Conditions. The update is tied to trends in your account data that fall outside the majority of Mavely users, such as return rate, purchase volume, conversion rate, or other metrics.

What does this mean for my payments?

This means you now follow a different schedule from our traditional payment process. You will still be paid on the 1st and 15th of each month, however your commission cycles will be paid 120 days post the end of a cycle as apposed to 30 days.

2025 Mavely Entrepreneur Payout Schedule


Downloadable PDF

2024 Entrepreneur Schedule

2025 Entrepreneur Schedule