Tracking Speed: Clicks and Transactions

In your analytics dashboard, you will see real-time data on your clicks. However, some other data will be delayed and will not appear in real time. This includes information on:

  • Conversion rates
  • Sales $ amount

  • Commission $ amount

These metrics factor into your performance. Because this data comes from our brand partners, the timeframe will vary on how long it takes until this data appears in your dashboard.

Most brands provide this information within 24 – 48 hours. However, some sales may take 7+ business days to be reflected in your dashboard. This timeframe may also be affected by holidays.

We recommend waiting 24 – 48 hours after sharing a link before analyzing your sales data. The most accurate reflection of your commission payout will appear in your Payouts & Bonuses tab in your Account.

For more information or if you have additional questions, you can find assistance by submitting a ticket via our Helpdesk portal, app, desktop, or email us at