Returns and Reversals

Returns and reversals are data edits/audits that are communicated to Mavely from each Brand. When the Brand sends Mavely this data, it can be in real time.

  • A Brand can decide to edit/audit data up to 120+ days after a transaction occurs.
  • Our system automatically updates this data as it changes. This means the data you see in your analytics can change, which is normal. 

Returns and reversal information can be classified differently.


A return happens when a follower purchases a product via your link, but then returns the product.

  • Partial returns - when only certain items in the cart were returned but not all, it is classified as a partial return. This does not appear under your “returns” section in your analytics. Instead, the transaction itself will update in your analytics to reflect the adjusted commission information.

    • For example, a follower makes a $10 purchase for a $8 bottle of sunscreen and a $2 notepad. They then decide to return the $2 notepad. The transaction will update from $10 to $8, and your commission will be adjusted.

Only full cart returns will be labeled as “return” in your analytics. You can filter your Transactions in the Analytics tab to show only returns.


A reversal is a data adjustment which happens on the brands end based on their commission rules. These are edits/audits made by a brand due to a Brand's commission rules.

  • Non-return reversals - sales that are not covered by the Brands terms will be reversed. These include action caps*, inaccuracies in attribution*, etc.

    • For example, if a Brand's commission rules say that a maximum of 9 sneakers per transaction will qualify the transaction for commission, then any transactions for 10+ sneakers will be reversed.

  • Non-commissionable - these are items which a Brand has decided to not pay commission on. If all items in your followers shopping cart are non-commissionable, certain Brands will reverse the transaction. This will result in the removal of that transaction and a decrease in your sales data. 
    • For example, if a consumer purchases only groceries via your Mavely link, the transaction will be reversed as the items are all categorized non-commissionable by the Brand.

At this time, you can not filter for reversals in your analytics.


Please note, our team is continuously working to improve the Mavely experience from a user and data perspective. Please reach out to the Mavely support team if you have any questions or need additional support.


*action caps - these are quantity limits a Brand will set around a specific product, i.e. maximum of 10.

*attribution - this is a Brand's logic as to how/where a transaction and commission for that transaction is awarded.