MyShop: Posts

Last Updated: July 31 2024 | Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Posting your Mavely links to your My Shop can be a useful way to direct your followers to a place where they can shop all the Mavely links you have ever shared. Each post can be curated to show a custom view of the product you want to share.

With the Post feature, you can personalize the images for the product and even share a description of what the product is and why you like it. 

Creating a post is easy. Once you login to Mavely and access MyShop, the default view will be Posts. You can create a post by pressing 'New Post' below your MyShop profile picture.

If this is your first Post, you can press 'New Post' in the center or the Posts page (see below).


After pressing 'New Post' you will be redirected to a page where you can customize your post.


At the bottom of this page, you can find all Mavely links you have ever created and even filter for a specific brand to help you more quickly locate a link. Links are organized to show Newest to Oldest.

When you find the link you would like to post, check the blue circle in the bottom left-hand corner of the link box. 


Doing so will automatically place the link in the Links Organizer box. If you would like to remove the link, simply press the 'Trash' icon in the top right corner.

Alternatively, if you would like to add or remove a Post, you can uncheck the blue circle to toggle add/remove.