How can I use Mavely to improve my performance?

Utilizing sales data is the best way to pull out insights that will inform your business decisions. Analyzing clicks, purchases, and conversion rates allow you to be more strategic in your approach. These tools will help you identify best practices to increase your earning potential. 


Your analytics are a very helpful tool which can be used to check the overall health of your performance. You can use your analytics to compare month-to-month sales. Are your sales increasing or decreasing? What drove this change?


Clicks and Links

Gauge what your followers are most interested in by reviewing your most popular links and the volume of clicks you are receiving. This can help you better understand what you can promote more of as well as when and how. If one particular link is receiving more clicks than another, check to see how and where you promoted this link. This can be a good indicator of what catches your followers eyes as well as the platform.


Traffic Source

The traffic source analytics will show what platform most of your sales are generated from.



The transactions portion of your analytics is a great tool to use if you want more details on a specific transaction, or if you want to better gauge what products your followers are purchasing. Please note, your followers can purchase items other than which you promote.


You can find more helpful tips and industry insights in our blog.