Amazon Deep Linking


Amazon app-to-app linking is now available on Mavely for a select group of Mavely creators who participate in the Amazon Associates Program

This free deep linking feature can increase your sales conversions by 4-6x, significantly boosting commission and saving you thousands of dollars a year on similar deep-linking services.

How it Works

For creators participating in this program, you can now connect your Amazon Associates account to your Mavely account. 

Linking Amazon with Mavely

Once you’ve connected accounts, you can create Mavely SmartLinks to any Amazon products the same way you’d link any Mavely brand partner: on desktop, mobile, and through the Mavely browser extension. 

You can see all your clicks immediately in Mavely. You’ll still track sales through Amazon, and Amazon will pay out your commission on those sales.

How You Benefit

  • See immediate click tracking in Mavely, compared to waiting 24 hours to view clicks in Amazon
  • Increase conversions 4-6x through free app-to-app links, rather than cutting into your commission with other deep linking services that charge a fee on every link click
  • Unlock sales insights as we unveil new features for Amazon on Mavely


How do I link my Amazon Associates account to Mavely?

In your Mavely Account, head to your Integrations. Enter your Amazon Associates Tracking ID in the Amazon Deep Linking section.

Where can I find my Amazon Associates Tracking ID?

Find your Amazon Tracking ID in your Amazon Associates Tracking ID settings.

How will I get paid? 

For Amazon links, you will still be paid through Amazon Associates. 

Why don’t I see a place to link my Amazon in Mavely?

Amazon deep linking on Mavely is a beta program with a limited number of participants. If you don’t see this feature in your Mavely Integrations, stay tuned! If you are already an Amazon Associate and want to learn more about the program, contact your Mavely Account Manager.

Are my Amazon clicks tracked alongside all my other Mavely clicks, conversions, and sales?

Amazon clicks are tracked and reported separately from the rest of your Mavely Analytics. You will NOT see Amazon Associates click data included on the Analytics tab of the mobile app or the Analytics page of the web app. Instead, you can find your Amazon Associates click analytics on a separate Mavely Amazon Insights page, which provides real-time click tracking and reports on your top links. For analytics data outside of clicks, including sales and commission, you will need to check Amazon.